Why is the file locked?

Two things. Firstly, what’s causing this? We brute-force the CRC on some releases to say whatever we want (For example, Sakurasou 07 and Kokoro Connect 13). I’m told it’s an error with media splitters playing the file.

Secondly, what can I do? Update your Haali or LAV media splitter. Use the playback guide on our website, nothing else is supported.

41 thoughts on “Why is the file locked?

  1. Gregor says:

    I’m currently running LAwlz’s MPC-HC build — http://lawlzawu1a.blogspot.co.nz/2012/03/mpc-hc-guide.html — with the latest Haali media splitter and I’m still having trouble with these files. Is there any real difference between this build and the one shown in the Playback Guide section?

    • Laughmaster says:

      I don’t really understand the issue here since I haven’t had issues playing anything (And I don’t run Windows in the first place, so I can’t help troubleshoot), but since he said it’s an error with media splitters I think your best bet would be to use something other than Haali.

    • Rem says:

      This is one of the fixes that was suggested to me, but Haali hasn’t actually had an update in a long time.

      The problem with the build guide you linked (If you’re pedantic) is that Haali hasn’t been added to the External Filters, and that he isn’t using VSFilter (we suggest xy-VSFilter). You sort them like this. Media splitter, subtitle renderer, video/audio.

      • Niyawa says:

        There’s no need to sort them exactly like that. Everything will work out as long you set it to prefer. In Haali’s case that is. For xy-VSFilter you just have to make sure is at least one position ahead of madVR.

      • Rem says:

        As I said, it’s an issue of being pedantic. You don’t even have to add Haali at all, but it fixes a couple of uncommon errors.

  2. Niyawa says:

    Can you guys update your guide please? madVR already supports screenshots. There’s an installer for xy-VSFilter so no need to do all those steps anymore.

  3. Bloodstream says:

    I don’t think I’ve come across those problems…. and I haven’t even updated my codec at all, and I’m running a low end PC… can you guys explain what the problem to me? I don’t think I fully understand…

    • K.Kaykun says:

      There are weird times when people try watching and they can’t because file is essentially giving you “403 Forbidden” equivalent off your HDD.

      If this happens it means usually file isn’t handled correctly or is being handled elsewhere when it shouldn’t be.

  4. Modhesh says:

    I shall check this. Thanks btw.

  5. K.Kaykun says:

    Also in rare cases it’s your Torrent client setting, assuming you have it on. (In some rare cases, Torrent attempts to hog it even if it is seeding only. Applies to uTorrent in extreme cases, and I seen it happen)

  6. Alexei says:

    File locked?

    I had in my experience following issue. I used to have MKV preview via DivX earlier, and everything was fine, until i came across some locked files.
    Issue: on some files DivX was unable to generate preview, my RAM consumption was so big, that even explorer.exe crashed. I simply was unable to access the file i wanted to play.

    After moving from DivX away to K-Lite i never had such issues again.

    PS: To avoid file unaccessibility in explorer (which may crash in some cases) files should be muxed with HEADER COMPRESSION turned OFF. This makes file larger, but the preview can be ALWAYS generated.

    PS2: never download MKV’s to your desktop. It is really wrong place for this. I couldn’t start Windows just because the shell was always crashing. I had to run DOS mode and delete the file via del command. This was however years ago.

    • xity says:

      People still have issues with header removal compression? lol.

    • Gregor says:

      I looked through my programs folder earlier today (on a completely unrelated task) and noticed that I still had DivX installed for some reason.
      After uninstalling that everything worked just fine, I can move the files around and delete them or rename them.

      Although the very idea that I still had DivX installed never occurred to me, I believe that you still deserve the credit. Thanks 🙂

      • Alexei says:


        thanks for hearing me out.

        K-Lite offers the same preview function like DivX. But K-Lite previews so many formats, DivX generates preview for MKV only, and thats only for 8-bit files.

  7. Teclas says:

    No problem with mplayer2. Get over it, bitches.

  8. redemption024 says:

    no prob here. thanks for the info anyway

    btw, I ❤ this banner http://i.imgur.com/EBBRo.png hahaha
    *I'm staying on your site till I get to download episode 08*

  9. AR2_Inquisitor_Ayumu says:

    No problems here either. I’m running MPC-HC with Haali up to date. I wonder if it helps that I’m running Windows 8? I don’t know….

  10. noko says:

    How exactly do you brute force a CRC32?

  11. Badboll says:

    I don’t really get what your problems might be. Locked files?
    You mean when you cannot move/delete/rename a file because it says that it is being used?
    If so, use a program called “Start Unlocker” Works like a charm.
    If I am not understanding the issue correctly, my post might help someone else so I guess it’s ok 😉

    • Alexei says:

      This is not that case only.

      If the file is locked and you cannot move/delete/rename it because it is used, then you’re right you can use tools like http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/ (this one is only recommended)

      But what if you cannot even open the folder where the file is stored? Seriously, if you cannot open the folder in explorer or any other filemanaging tool, you cannot access the file to “unlock” via such tools. This file is there forever and prevents accessing the folder completely.

      That is because such MKV’s are muxed in the wrong way. The preview function using shell extensions (like in DivX) fails but never stops on trying. The file is unaccessible.

      So the only good alternative is to find shell extensions, which offer the same preview functionality, but without errors. See K-Lite.

  12. Alexei says:


    Wanna rename many multiple files at once? If you are about renaming a completely downloaded batch of MKV for example?

    I recommend Bulk Rename Utility : http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php

    cheers, Alexei

  13. saru says:

    You realize this creates a technically broken MKV file, right? Granted, splitters should handle this error without problem, but you’re still creating a deliberately broken file:

    [rori] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 07 [DADADAAA].mkv: Error in the Matroska file structure at position 347046749. Resyncing to the next level 1 element.
    Resync failed: no valid Matroska level 1 element found.

    • Alexei says:

      May i ask what you are talking about?

      What you have is the problem while muxing the file, correct? It sounds like this. This has happened to me sometimes too in earlier times. But as for Sakurasou, it went all fine for me. I was able to mux the file with fonts included. No errors, just different CRC.

      If you have this problem and you’re seeding this file in Utorrent at the same moment instead of quit Utorrent, yeah, muxing can fail.

      It depends however on MKVToolNix version you are using too.

      • Alexei says:

        PS: Please ensure that your source file ([rori] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 07 [DADADAAA].mkv) is not damaged.

        You can check this:

        1. Download MKVExtractGUI2 ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/mkvextractgui-2/
        2. Extract the *.exe to you MKVToolNix folder
        3. Make shortcut to the *.exe on your desktop
        4. Drag’n’drop the source MKV to the shortcut
        5. Extract the ASS file (Track 3 usually)
        6. If extraction of the ASS softsubs went well, the source is not structural damaged, if the ASS softsubs could not be extracted – please redownload the torrent file
        7. Delete the ASS softsub file if extracted

        good luck.

      • saru says:

        I’m using the latest version of mkvtoolnix. The point I’m making is that the brute force CRC32 hashes you’re making create broken MKV files. The only way to brute force a hash on a file is to add bits to it until you come up with the hash you want. Because MKV elements require a size be specified, you cannot, by definition, creat a “brute force” hash without creating a deliberately broken file. It’s no surprise people have problems playing these files, when they’re deliberately broken.

      • saru says:

        I would also like to point out that while I appreciate the step-by-step instructions, I don’t need instructions for using a GUI MKV editor. I’m familiar enough with the format spec that I’ve written my own MKV file parser. You’re creating broken files and then talking down on people when they complain that your broken files don’t work in their parser. It’s kind of like peeing in the sandbox and then telling the other kids they should have worn gloves before playing in it.

      • Rem says:

        No fun allowed.

    • Alexei says:


      It seems you mean rori subs group and not me personally. Correct?

  14. We brute-force the CRC on some releases to say whatever we want…

    — Now why would you do that? Surely it’s unnecessary?

  15. Also, Not everyone uses Windows. (Which means not everyone has Haali)
    Can you confirm whether the files work on linux?

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